
Showing posts from January, 2018

Digital Citizenship

Digital citizenship is, basically, knowing how to act responsibly and appropriately online. I look at it as being the same as being a good citizen in everyday life. If you wouldn't say or do something in a normal setting, don't do it online. I like the definition that they use on the digital citizenship website, "Digital citizenship is the norms of appropriate, responsible technology use." In today's world where young children and exposed to so much technology and in most cases have devices of their own, it is so important for them to understand how to be good digital citizens and how they should act online. This is the idea of digital citizenship, and their hope is to educate children. They state that "digital citizenship is more than just a teaching tool; it is a way to prepare students/ technology users for a society full of technology." This is becoming a topic that is becoming more needed and more important for everyone to understand. Now that we k...

Standards and PLNs

Twitter: jessie_sabinUVU Symbaloo: UEN: 1- The Teacher Toolbox looks very useful and has lots of great resources nicely organized and easily accessible. 2- The Utah Core Standards is on that will be used a lot, since it shows us all that we need to teach. 3- Lesson Plan Library is awesome because that will be useful to get awesome lessons to use.

Equity and UDL

I'll start by briefly describing what equity and UDL are. Equity is ensuring that all students get the education that best meets their needs and is best for them. The UNI Department of Special Education did a study and found that "In Iowa, school and post-school outcomes of students with disabilities continue to indicate a critical need to close an achievement gap and to ensure successful and meaningful school and post-secondary learning, living and work opportunities." ( This shows that it doesn't just effect schooling, but everything else after as well. They also give a really good definition of UDL, which is "universal design for learning (UDL) has been described as a best practice and a framework to address learning barriers in order to provide challenging, relevant, and access to content for all learners - including those with varied strengths, talents, abilities, linguistics needs and interests." ( This goes hand in hand with eq...

Initial Post

Introduction: My name is Jessica Sabin. I'm very excited to be in the Elementary Education program. I've always wanted to be a teacher and love working with children, so it's great to be getting closer to that goal. This is my second semester at UVU and I've loved it here. After graduating High School I got my associates from Snow College and then served an LDS mission in Spain. Goals for this course: - Learn how to better use technology to teach - Become more comfortable with using technology - Get 3's or above on all assignments